Personal Finance News Releases
(MoneyNewsWire.Net, November 20, 2013 ) Lansing, Michigan – The recent wind storm and cold snap is clear indication that winter will soon be here. With the changing season comes high energy bills and if the home isn’t equipped with the right type of insulation those expenses can skyrocket. It is important to install insulation in the right way so as get the most benefit. Too many times home owners will try to do this themselves and that leaves plenty of room for costly error. Doing a sloppy job will only bring further expense and headaches in the winter months ahead.
Lansing based JR Neely is committed to making sure that insulation jobs are properly handled and that includes installation. There are certain tell tale signs the homeowner can look for when looking for heat loss in the home. One of the warning signs is if the furnace runs continually during the colder months. In the warmer months the thing to watch out for is the air conditioner running nonstop. It is important to remember that 50%-70% of all energy is used to either heat or cool the home. Inadequate installation is the leading cause of energy loss and it is something that needs to be handled by professionals.
There are certain areas that the home owner will want to pay attention to. Insulation is not just for attics and outside walls. Insulation should also be installed in other areas of your home such as ceilings with unheated spaces, basement walls, floors above vented crawl spaces, cathedral ceilings, floors over unheated garages or porches, knee walls, and in between interior walls (especially bathrooms), ceilings or floors for extra sound control. It is important to also know how much insulation to use for the home. The amount of insulation in a home varies depending upon where the home is located. NAIMA has developed recommended levels of insulation for various climate zones. These recommendations are based on recommendations from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the International Energy Conservation Code which is the model building code for the United States.
For insulation installation, new bay windows, bow windows, gutters anywhere in Central Michigan, contact The Lansing JR Neely or get a quote on their quote page or use the direct number at 1-800-576-3359.
Contact Information:
The Lansing JR Neely Office: 1-800-576-3359 <||>rnhttp://www.JRNeely.com
JR Neely
Source: EmailWire.Com